44-Maintenance Tips for your Generac Generator

Maintenance Tips for your Generac Generator

A Generac generator can be one of the most important household assets you’ll ever possess. It can be particularly useful during the cold winter months when adverse weather and high demands on the grid could see you temporarily lose its primary source of power. However, you will only see the benefits of this backup power supply if the unit is kept in good health, which is why generator maintenance is crucial. 

Given that you do not want to encounter unforeseen problems once the colder weather arrives, it’s vital that you complete your annual Generac generator maintenance ASAP. Here’s how:

Complete your winter preparations

The winter months may seem a long way away, but they will arrive far sooner than you imagined. Prevention is the best form of protection for your Generac generator, and your winter preparations should reflect it. Complete the following steps to ensure you enter the colder seasons in optimal health;

  • Invest in a cold weather kit to ensure that the battery and other key components are kept warm.
  • Ensure that you have enough propane to keep your generator supply levels at the desired standards.
  • Ensure that the generator is surrounded by a clear space for ventilation purposes to avoid overheating.

You can also consider using a fuel stabilizer to keep it fresh during storage. In truth, the exact preparations will depend on which part of the country you live in. Call in experts for more specific generator maintenance advice based on your location.

Change the oil and run the generator

As already touched upon, keeping the fuel fresh will be important ahead of the fall and winter seasons. For starters, you must invest in quality fuel like propane. Completing an oil change won’t be much fun in the middle of a power cut in any season. As well as stabilizing fuel during storage, you should;

  • Change it at 50-hour intervals.
  • Avoid letting oil levels drop into danger zones,
  • Drain the fuel if you are not confident it is fresh.

Meanwhile, you should acknowledge that the generator wants to be used. Getting into the habit of running your Generac for 10 minutes once every 1-2 weeks, even when it hasn’t been used, can be key.

Keep the vents clear

The vents of your home generator system could become blocked at any stage. However, the threats are undoubtedly at their greatest in the fall when leaves are falling and garden debris is blown around. Of course, rodents and other pests are a potential source of problems too. Keeping the vents clear can be achieved by:

  • Take extra care when raking leaves and garden foliage.
  • Visually inspect the vents every few days or before powering up the system.
  • Shovel snow away if it falls outside your home.

Keeping the vents clear will prevent overheating, maintain efficiency, and stop carbon monoxide from causing health risks. As well as clearing the vents, you should also look to replace the filters for every 100 hours of use.

Check the connections

Keeping the home generator in good health is one thing, but you also need to consider how it integrates with the home. Adding an automatic transfer switch (ATS), enables the generator to instantly identify a drop in power and take over. Meanwhile, opting for a turnkey installation means that all key aspects can be checked, such as:

  • Rebuilding electrical services.
  • Rerouting natural gas plumbing.
  • Diagnosing customer needs.

Once your unit has been correctly installed, it’s unlikely that any components will become dislodged. However, checking that the ATS and connections to your main home are in good condition will ensure that your peace of mind is retained.

Complete final user checks

The majority of the hard work should be done by the time you’ve selected the right generator for your needs, completed the installation, and handled the basic maintenance. Nonetheless, problems can still occur as with any household item. Therefore, learning how to troubleshoot basic issues will serve you well. Be sure to;

  • Check that the unit is set to ‘auto’, thus enabling it to take over during power loss.
  • Confirm that the battery terminals are clean.
  • Check that there are no alarm notifications showing. 

Aside from overcoming basic errors and promoting increased efficiency, it is a key step to keeping your mind at ease. Better still, it will save you the hassle of troubleshooting those issues in the fall and winter during power outages.

Arrange a professional checkup

While the above DIY steps can all keep your Generac init in good health, it is also worth joining a professional generator maintenance program. The experts can provide a comprehensive service that includes general inspections, followed by necessary repairs and using genuine Generac parts. 
Here at Generator Supercenter of Puget Sound, we offer a generator maintenance program underpinned by a 40-point inspection for low monthly payments. To learn more about the program, get in touch with our friendly experts today.

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